Anonymous said...
Dan Farkas is a pussy. That is all.
Excuse me?
Monday, December 3, 2007 12:12:00 AM EST
shots said...I happen to think "Cadillac Dan"
is doing an okay job.
Yep, bet he didn't know
that anyone down here knew
about that nickname when he was in Michigan!!
Well I certainly didn't although
I knew a young man in
reform school who was called
Buick Bob. Could they be related?
Monday, December 3, 2007 9:03:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Please come back in January.
Walker has decided to take the
Christmas holidays off.
(He's moonlighting as an elf.)
You are GOOD! The
real story is he applied but
was passed over for Victor Ashe.
Thursday, December 6, 2007 6:28:00 PM EST
Uncle_Ben said...
Hats off to CW20 for
carrying the high school
football playoff games again this year.
Sure they make a ton of money
off them when local teams are
playing, but it beats the normally
crappy stuff they air.
(Well, for the most part. Some of it is OK.)
And the tv production is pretty good.
CW20? Sounds like an all
Star Wars station?
Friday, December 7, 2007 8:33:00 PM EST
Byron said...
Tag, you're it!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 12:40:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Hay, where'd evryboddy go?
Media Report = Ghost Town
We are in the back, come
on in but don't let the dogs out!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 6:06:00 PM EST
Fudpucker McGhee said...
Hey Walker, we all know
that radio morning shows
take off 3 weeks for Christmas,
but what the heck man?
Whare are ye? We gots people
to make fun of and other bitching to
Quit posting in Channel 10's message board
and get your ass back here!
The Report is always open to
those with an ax to grind. As
for the WBIR board it is
just like the WATE board
with the exception of fact
that people actually read it
and they don't ban posters.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 11:07:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Ms. Farkwad said
for you to come on
back over here and
give her a break.
She's startin' to get sore--no, err...
bored is what she said.
Bored AND sore!
Ms. Farkwad:
Regarding your pishur at the top of the Dec. 13 posting, please move your left leg over to the left (as you lie there). Leave the right leg where it is located. There! Good!
Wow! Christmas just came early!
Yummy yum yums..
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