Don Imus is hanging his familiar cowboy hat in a new television home: RFD-TV.
Well shut my mouth and call me southern
I am so excited I could come
down with the vapors and
take to the bed for a full week!
The thought of Mr. Don coming back
on the air after all the boy has
had to endure from “those people”
is amazing in itself BUT to hear
he will be on my favorite cable/satellite channel
(RFD-TV) makes my poodles swoon!
Unlike his old MSNBC this channel
has viewers AND, hang on children…….
it also has those great old country music shows
we grew up with!
We are talking Teddy and Doyle (WILBURN BROTHERS)
Porter and Dolly,
and get this some of the finest POLKA SHOWS on TV!
If you think I am pulling your cane check out their line up.
Toss the I Man into the mix and
you have something that will grow faster than Barry Bond’s biceps in the off season!
The real fun thing to watch will be how Don juggles his New York City humor (at times I have to cover my tender ears) for the wonderful planters and ranchers who have made RFD-TV part of their family. I can just see Grand Pa out there in the wheat field driving that big old tractor the first time the I Man refers to the nappy head on a young lamb! Get my drift? This adventure for Donny could be more than barefoot walk down a fresh plowed corn field. I would love your thoughts and as always the sweet tea is fresh and the big porch swing is open for you to visit!
Ms Farkwad
Imus will be great on RFD he talked about them all the time when he was on MSNBC and those
shit kickers who watch that thing are so far to the right they make
Dick Nixon look like a Kennedy!
Imus is a red neck fool who will fit right into that channel. He should be in jail rather than on the radio!
You have great legs~
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